CHAPTER 14  “Leaving Earth” Tuesday 6 September 2811 My hand is still sore and bruised where they removed my I.D. chip. They made quite a mess of it but at least they used enough care to prevent an infection. The new chip is in place and barely a mark remains there, about a centimeter from … Read more

CHAPTER 13  “Kampala” Wednesday 31 August 2811 Captain Perry concurred with me that my missing the trip to GEO Station was not a problem. The trip itinerary did not include any formal training and there was a reasonable chance that I would have suffered nausea much of the time anyway. VACATION! And with Caleb! Caleb, … Read more

CHAPTER 12  “MomDroid” Monday 29 August 2811 One day followed the next with the six of us in classrooms and online sessions and studying. I had additional training that the other five had long ago completed. ISTRI was trying to make me into an astronaut. I had to attend sessions of the briefing-that-would-not-die, be subjected … Read more

CHAPTER 11  “Complications” Sunday 31 July 2811 The pod climbed up the narrow road with Captain Perry and me. She remained silent as the pod came to a stop at my new home. I opened the door and rather perfunctorily said, “Thank you for the ride, Captain.” “Estrella, my apologies for not being conversational. You’ve … Read more

CHAPTER 10  “Trillium Project” Sunday 31 July 2811 The mission briefing was held in a large plain meeting room next to the office of Gregor Pfalz, the Project’s Director of Communications. Gregor started the proceeding by introducing the others who would be presenting at the briefing: Project Ethicist Jacques Arnould, Environmental Director Margaret Race, Recycling … Read more

CHAPTER 9  “The Beanstalk” Saturday 30 July 2811  At 10:02 AM, Danika knocked on the door and called out in a sing-song voice, “Good morning. I’m here.” Mom opened the door with, “Hi Danika. ¿We should have asked yesterday, but should we bring along something to eat?” “Hardly. There’s like a café on the Anchor … Read more

CHAPTER 8  “African Home” Friday 29 July 2811  After a week under peace officer protection at a safe house, Mom and I boarded a sub-sonic commercial jet to our new home. I’d been hoping for something more exotic like a scramjet or SST but seats on those cost a lot more and ISTRI pinches its … Read more

CHAPTER 7  “The Decision” Thursday  21 July 2811  I lay there trying to determine whether I was still in one piece as debris settled in the chaotic scene. Through the thick dust I could see customers rushing about, but I heard nothing but a roaring in my ears. Caleb picked me up and we went … Read more

CHAPTER 6  “A Trip to the Zoo” Thursday 21 July 2811 I hiked alone against a strong wind across a rocky, hilly island with monstrous ocean waves thrusting, exploding against jagged rocks and dampening my clothes. I struggled up and down the steep trail and clambered over boulders in the cold wind. Finally, I reached … Read more

CHAPTER 5  “Revelations, Part Two” Wednesday 20 July 2811  We finished the main course in our tiny kitchen as Benny offered theories as to the fate of Dr. Fujimoto, including rumours that she still lives and continues using the long-since-banned Methuselah Regimen. Benny picked up the box with the fortune cookies and handed one to … Read more