CHAPTER 4 “Anecdote: The Family Party” Tuesday 3 October 2299 Hoshiko regarded herself in the corroding mirror and clucked with her tongue. She was aging. It seemed as though every month brought another arthritic ache. Her physio age was about 73. Her chrono age was 313 and would be 314 on the sixth, this coming … Read more
David Almandsmith
CHAPTER 3 “Anecdote: Birth of ISTRI” Monday 22 August 2011 A message from Abe appeared on Hoshiko’s screen: DARPA offering $ for interstellar travel Hoshiko typed back: interstellar! url? Abe pasted: into the instant message box and hit “Send.” Hoshiko double-clicked on the URL and the web page opened: SPACEDARPA’s Long-Term Long Shot to the … Read more
CHAPTER 2 “Revelations, Part One” Wednesday 20 July 2811 “What? ¿No shit?” “ESTRELLA!” “Yes, Mom,” I actually surprised myself that I let slip an expletive – at home even. “You’re like serious, aren’t you, Dr. Blackwell?” I wasn’t so much asking a question as just blurting out the only thing that my mind could send … Read more
CHAPTER 1 “The Selection Committee” Friday 15 July 2811 Forty-two and a bit overweight, Gary Esteban, Ph.D., carefully sprinkled just a smidgen of salt onto his dry oatmeal mix, added a handful of raisins, and gave the contents of his breakfast bowl several stirs with his spoon before pouring in near-boiling water from the shiny … Read more
The Trillium Project by Zenaida Gómez “Spectacular! … [Gómez’s] prose delights with sophistication combined with good-hearted earthiness. … The machinery of the plot is well crafted, with momentum and surprise. Great bad guys!”– Jeffrey Scott Johnson Eight hundred years in the future, Esty Ramirez, 17, is selected to join the first starship crew. The next … Read more
Tam-Malacha & the Pheasant Hutch
One morning while walking by myself through the dusty field behind our house on my way to Cuyamaca Elementary School, I notice something move behind one of the houses on Pearl Lane. Those houses also have the big field behind them. I decide to leave the path and walk through weeds to see what caught … Read more
The book, Spooky Action at a Distance, by George Musser started off like many books for the layman concerning quantum theory: stories of who disagreed with whom and why and when. He interprets the statements and objections made by Einstein somewhat differently than i’d heard before but mostly it was the same-old same-old. Toward the … Read more
The Grim Creeper
After Melissa, my Lyft passenger, closed the door, i tapped the “Drop Melissa” button on my iPhone, tapped the far right star, and then tapped the “Tell us what you enjoyed” button. I pasted in my standard, “Delightful!” with the smiley face and tapped “Submit”. It’s mid afternoon, my bladder is feeling a bit full, … Read more
Mooney 201
Sherry and i hatched a delightful plan for a weekend excursion. A trip to visit Sherry’s good friend, Cat, who lives in Santa Barbara. We would load our bicycles into the 1966 VW Bus, drive to Buchanan Field in Concord, put the bikes in the UC Flying Club’s Mooney 201, fly to Santa Barbara, and … Read more
Devil’s Slide
Is “Closet Ecdysiast” an oxymoron? Stripping naked in front of strangers and walking about in “the buff” is a rebellion against polite society and against the essence of what our mothers and kindergarten teachers tried to instill in us. But it is also an affirmation of what we are: furless apes. I wear clothes in … Read more