INDEX Federal Minimum Hourly Wage to the LOCAL Cost of Living

Establishing an identical minimum wage for EVERYWHERE in the United States will: shortchange workers in many urban areas where the costs of living are high; and it will unduly handicap local firms in their efforts to stay in business where local economies are depressed. Instead, we should “index” the local minimum wage to the LOCAL … Read more

Tam-Malacha & the Persian

There aren’t many cats along Patricia Lane. Across the street and one house up, lives an older couple with a pudgy Calico that they never let out of doors. I cannot think of any others except Tam-Malacha, our Siamese we call “Tam.” There are several dogs that live along our one-block street and each learned … Read more

Tam-Malacha & the Boring Day

Summertime in El Cajon, California and it is already afternoon with a hot sun and clear air. I’m bored and my chores are long since completed. I watched television but now all three channels are showing soap operas. I hear the work-up softball game in the field behind our house, but only faintly. The players … Read more

Tam-Malacha & Dolly

Behind our house on Patricia Lane is a large field. It’s probably a hundred yards wide and 300 yards east to west. Across the field on the south side are the Hales. We bought Dolly, our horse, from the Hales but we pay them to take care of her since they’ve got a stable. They’ve … Read more

Tam-Malacha & the Boxer

A new family just moved into the last house on our side of Patricia Lane but we haven’t met them yet. Patricia Lane ends at a barricade with a field and drainage ditch beyond there and has about 10 houses on each side of the block-long street. It doesn’t have any sidewalks so we get … Read more

SciSchmoozing to the Future

7 March 2021 Percy (Perseverance Rover) has been feeling its oats, doing calisthenics, and moving about at its landing spot dubbed “Octavia Butler Landing.” ((Butler’s 1998 book, Parable of the Talents, tells of the election of the populist, misogynistic, xenophobic Andrew Steele Jarret to the White House, whose rallying cry is “Make America Great Again.” … Read more

An Undertaught Element of Critical Thinking

The Foundation for Critical Thinking has an excellent definition of “Critical Thinking”: [T]he intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action. Note that the above definition is no less accurate when we … Read more