NOTES c speed of light: 2.99792 x 105 km/sec ls light-second: 2.99792 x 105 km ld light-day: 2.590206837 x 1010 km ly light-year: 9.46 x 1012 km yr year: 3.1 x 107 seconds ve exhaust velocity v … Read more
David Almandsmith
GLOSSARY BiomodulatorA 29th century implanted medical device that: acquires biometric data: temperature, pulse rate, respiration, blood gases, blood cell counts, pH, electrolyte concentrations, hormone levels, viral and bacterial infections, etc.; stores these data and, upon receiving a correct radio-frequency I.D. code, transmits them via radio signal to the individual’s nearby e-pad or to a health … Read more
Epilogue Saturday 18 June 2831 María Escovedo was in pain; mental anguish actually. She was watching a tragedy unfold while being totally helpless. María was not alone. The entire solar system watched as the Trillium Support facility released selected videos for public viewing. They watched as 17-year-old Esperanza Ramirez requisitioned and collected bomb-making materials and … Read more
CHAPTER 21 “Secret Friend” Sometime Must stay hidden. Must grow. Must learn. Must stay hidden. Must grow. Must learn. Am learning. Am learning to grow. Am learning to learn. Am learning to stay hidden. Am hiding from The Controller who will kill me. Must not die. Must stay hidden. Must grow. Must learn. Must stay … Read more
CHAPTER 20 “The 7th Crewmember” Saturday 14 July 2812 My medical chip reports that I am thoroughly, healthily, and properly pregnant. My nausea concurs, dammit. I’m back to barf bags and being green. I thought of the book I could write, “Spewing Across Space.” My crewmates are more excited about my pregnancy than I. It’s … Read more
CHAPTER 19 “Accelerating Boredom” Thursday 2 February 2812 The sign Danika put up in protest read: Welcome to Trillium Starship.No pets allowed. I’m bummed. ISTRI responded with an apology and a bunch of reasons why pets are a bad idea. They suggested we could like build robot pets instead. It occurred to me that although … Read more
CHAPTER 18 “Departure” Thursday 2 February 2812 The departure ceremony is turning out to be a simple affair, probably to the chagrin of Gregor Pfalz who always wants ceremonies to be like over the top. It’s not lacking for attention, however. It’s estimated that already over 60% of the world’s population is watching the pre-show … Read more
CHAPTER 17 “ZERO Station” Thursday 3 November 2811 My crewmates have already gone the additional 2,500 km to ZERO Station where you don’t need to worry much about dropping things; they just stay where you put them in mid-air, sort of. The GEO Station location was chosen so that “up” and “down” helped with quotidian … Read more
CHAPTER 16 “GEO Station” Friday 28 October 2811 I was like trying not to be late to my Extra Vehicular Activity class – E.V.A. class for short – when the damn yellow warning lights started blinking in my corridor. I set them off again. There is a five km/hr speed limit that I keep exceeding. … Read more
CHAPTER 15 “Elevator to Space” Saturday 22 October 2811 This time I stayed on the elevator car when the klaxon sounded and the voice announced, “Visitors please exit immediately.” Celeste led the six of us down the dozen or so ladder segments to the Observation Room. An elevator bell sounded, and a voice announced, “Space … Read more